CUBA? ¡Por qué no!
As with everything in my Forrest Gump life, the opportunity to visit Cuba happened in the strangest way possible. I was having a beer and a conversation in Spanglish with an award winning film producer from Colombia. She told me that she would be teaching in Cuba during the month of February at the Escuala Internacional de Cine y Televisión (International School of Film and Television) just outside of Havana. Of course my eyes lit up. Cuba has been the place I've wanted to visit most since I was a child. When I expressed that sentiment, she responded with, "why don't you join me for some of that time?" My immediate response was "why not!" Or in Spanish, por qué no! I took that as somewhat tongue-in-cheek banter. 2 weeks later I received a text message with an itinerary to Cuba. She was actually serious. I booked my flight and 3 days later I was in Havana.
After you have viewed the photographs, you can read more about my experience and the trip at the bottom of the page.